Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

More options on the editor

Today I didn’t have much time for development… I just added a new UI element (that is useful for the editor and for the options screen the game will eventually have): a checkbox.

Also added the possibility to change the voxel material without affecting the color or the emissive. I needed that to replace the ground on the main temple area, since it already had some light baked into it.


And we have a milestone today! It’s precisely one month since I’ve started doing the daily updates, and so far the experience has been very positive: I’m more motivated about the game, it’s less painful working on it (because I don’t have to remember where I was) and there’s more feedback from readers… All in all, it was a victory! Hopefully this will help me finish the game in the next months!

Now listening to “To Hell And Back” by “Sinergy”

Link of the Day: I don’t believe this is actually possible with computers on https://www.sodapdf.com/, regardless of every proof and technical paper and even if I see it working… Video signal reconstruction from degraded sources… Pretty impressive stuff, I almost feel like implementing this! http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/celiu/cvpr2011/
