Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Heightmap generation

Spellcaster Studios has a tradition of sorts: our logo introduction is slightly different in each game… For this one, I wanted to have the logo to go voxelized, so I built a system in which a voxel map is generated from an image, that gets treated as a heightmap…

This was quite fast to implement, thankfully:


Then, getting this into the game was a bit harder… I screwed up a piece of code, so I was adding an unlimited number of lights, which would cause the shader compiler to fail silently (don’t know exactly why), and the rendering would just flicker all over the place… It was weird and it took me forever to figure out…

Anyway, tomorrow I’ll finish this up, hopefully and move onto the game over sequence (still have the code from the Chrome Hunter game).

Now listening to “Blood Alliance” by “Power Quest”

Link of the Day: This looks like a great idea for a game, if a bit too frenetic for my old-man reflexes:
