Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…


I had a small kitchen accident and I cut one of my fingers, so I’m having a lot of difficulty coding and writing…

So I decided to try something way different: actually playing the game and tweaking weapon parameters…


This is actually something I should be doing more often, since it’s such an important part of the game, but I keep postponing it to when this is done, or that is done…

I actually have fun while playing the game, which is a good sign considering I’ve been working on this for over one year!

Now listening to “Gateway OST” Smile

Just finished playing: “Beyond: Two Souls”… It’s a David Cage game, the man I don’t understand why he’s doing games instead of movies… As a movie, “BTS” is quite good, the story is nice, the storytelling is quite interesting… As a game, it’s terrible… You just press the stick once in a while to feed the illusion you’re actually playing, when what you’re actually doing is watching a movie…
