So ashamed…
Finally figured out what was the problem with my reconstruction of the position from the FOV and depth…
The problem was way before that… For some reason (and I never noticed it for years on end), I was using the field of view parameter as the VERTICAL field of view, scaled by half (for some another really unknown reason), but everything I made with shaders that required the field of view assumed I was using the fov property as the HORIZONTAL FOV… The scaling factor I had only screwed up everything…
So I was looking at at a scene with a FOV property set to 80º… But since I was diving that scale by 2 (yielding 40º), and then computing the horizontal FOV from it by dividing by the aspect ratio (yielding 71º), the visual result was close enough for me never to suspect a thing…
Except when I’m actually using the fov in another calculation on a shader and nothing seems right…
What helped this revelation was the fact that I decided to change the way I was seeing the error on screen… Instead of using colors, I decided to compute the world position and compare that with the depth I had on the depth buffer…
The two images below show the “normal” result (the one rendered correctly), and the one that the SSAO would compute half-way through the process:
When I saw this, I figured the problem would have to have something to do with the FOV, the images were too close to be a normal math or reasoning error…
After a lot more debugging, finally figured it out!
Now, tomorrow I’ll be able to see the SSAO in action properly!
Now listening to “Ghost Opera” by “Kamelot”
Link of the Day: I know this is a hype video, and we’re really far from this, no matter what Microsoft marketers says… But it looks soooooo cool! I can imagine my “Skylander’s-like” game here…
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