OpenGL tests didn’t progress as much as I wanted, because I had to code a DDS loader for OpenGL (something that D3D provides with the D3DX library… OpenGLs way is better, in my opinion, that shouldn’t be part of the graphics API, but it saves time!).
This is complex because DDS is a patchwork format and the pure example of “making something as we need it”, and it’s very tied to the D3D structures…
Anyway, it’s done for the basic codes, and there’s placeholder code for when I need cube-maps, mipmaps and volume textures…
The weird part is that I’m getting the same thing as yesterday: something that shouldn’t work is working perfectly…
The texture coordinates I’m using are D3D compliant, and as far as I know, the OpenGL convention is upside down! So, I thought I had to invert the texture either on load, or invert the UVs, but I had to do neither… Either OpenGL 3.2 does it the other way around, or something is bound to catch up with me and bite me later!
Now listening to “Razorblade Romance” by “HIM”
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