Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Just woke up…

Late, but I’m awake now!

So the theme is (as expected) “Connected Worlds”…

Hum, I didn’t manage to think of any decent idea with this, although there are several bouncing around my head:

– Society is connected: You have to do actions on your Facetube profile to get more friends. This one would probably involve a lot of UI work, and I hate UI work… :\ Also, a lot of writing and procedural generators…

– Realspace/Cyberspace: Player is at the same time a hacker flying in cyberspace, defeating ICE and opening a path to a spy, which in turn has to place access nodes for the hacker while penetrating some secure facility. This one might be simple enough to pull off.

– Trade management: Player must manage interplanetary trade routes, taking into account pirate attacks and the needs of certain places. The idea is to keep the peace between planets by giving them what they need, while keeping your business flowing. This one might also be doable, just don’t know if it’s any fun!

– Split-screen: Player controls two characters at the same time in two screens, and has to either solve puzzles with both of them (in this case, we could give the player the capability of controlling only one at a time), or action-oriented where you have to flee/destroy hazards on both worlds at the same time. This seems like a nightmare to level design properly, and the strength of it hinges on that.

– Ghost game: Player controls two characters (each at a time): a medium (which can go into the spirit world, and where he can see the ghosts) and a ghost hunter (which can hunt ghosts, but can’t see them). Player has to find and trap several ghosts/spirits. Everytime the medium is in the spirit world, it will attract the attention of the ghosts. The problem with this idea is that it seems the hunter just needs to stand next to the medium and wait for the ghosts to come to him. This might be mitigated with some way that the hunter can’t be with the medium. This one has some interesting concepts (possession, traps, perturbations, etc)

– Gravity influenced portal shooter: Scorched Earth inspired game. Players are in different worlds, but they can shoot using gravity. Shots can also include portals for really trick shots. This seems fun, but it rely on either smart AI (which isn’t my think, really), or network code (for multiplayer). I’m not scared of multiplayer code (I do plenty of it for a living), but for the voting stage, I doubt we’d have people playing it enough so that people could actually try it…

So those are my ideas at the moment… I need to really think long and hard about these…
