AI issues fixed!
Finally managed to fix the AI issues with the “large scale battle”. There was a lot of small mistakes, but one was the real culprit – The Line-Of-Sight (LOS) functions: the “lost LOS to target” and “regained LOS on target” functions weren’t exactly “symmetric”, which meant that I would lose the agro correctly, and would regain it from an algorithmically standpoint, even if I didn’t exactly have LOS on it (the first one had a tolerance, the second one didn’t). So the AI would twitch between states.
Now it works correctly (even if not 100% yet), especially after increasing the size of the steps (the navigation mesh wouldn’t be correctly built on those small steps).
Here’s a video of it in motion:
Now listening to “Outbound” by “Keldian”
Link of the Day: These two videos are nerg-gasmic! Finally I got that urge (that apparently every dev in the world already felt) that I need an Occulus Rift and a Sixsense controller:
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