Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Monthly Archives: June 2014

Fixing text

After yesterday’s update for multilingual support, today I had to change a lot of scripts to conform to this new usage type. Scripts became clearer, which is a big advantage. Also introduced this update to the tutorial system, and the Captain’s Log system… Still need to do these changes in the hardcoded C++ part (game […]

Speech System

Revamped the speech system a bit, to make it easier to script and to prepare for the future in terms of multi-language (not sure if it will ever have more than one language, but this way it’s just a matter of translating a directory)… Previously, the script for a text exchange would be something like: […]

Small tweaks

Nothing fancy today, dead tired from the paintball yesterday; can hardly move… Anyway, today’s screenshot could be exactly the same as yesterday’s. I just tweaked the map “editor”, adding “auto” orientation to objects… Now objects with “auto” orientation will always face away from the nearest wall. This is dead simple, but makes it way easier […]

Sprucing things up…

Not much time for working on the game today, busy weekend with my sister’s birthday… Anyway, got enough time to put in some of the new assets in game, on the Skydancer: Featuring a table, shelves and power generators… Exciting, I know! Need to add those to the pirate lair generation as well, to make […]


Just added crystals as props on the cave areas… and for good measure, decided to add a lighting effect to them, to spice up the area a bit, especially because the cave levels are all dark (the only source of light is the player’s flashlight). It turned out better than I expected: I just added […]

Cave chasms

Today, I’ve worked on making the caves a bit more traversable. Procedural generation is very hard – there’s a big conflict between “playable” and “correct”, so you end up with a lot of code to fix situations where the generation is “realistic”, but that would lead to a whole lot of issues… Case in point, […]

New leaf…

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted something on the blog… the reason is the usual one: I don’t have the time because of my DayJob™, and when I finally get some time, I’m trying to compensate the work I’ve not done! No more! I’ve decided to try something new to keep me more […]